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wave smoothest groove

It truly is what music is all about, right? Creating a SOUL CONNECTION between artist and audience. The soul connection within a brotherhood of musicians, forging a harmonious blend of notes, beats, vibes and grooves. That gorgeous kindred-spirithood that blossoms when melody and humanity merge.

Welcome to Brian Simpson's latest connection collection, 10 songs that I guarantee will soothe your soul. And this is Brian's greatest desire. “Every performance and recording presents an opportunity to bring happiness to a world of listeners. Music has an unparalleled ability to make a difference in our lives. I continue to appreciate how it can inspire people through good and bad times and never take for granted the opportunity I have been given to play a small role in someone’s life.”

Filled to the brim with a myriad of influences Brian holds dear - Jazz, R&B, Funk, Blues and Contemporary Groove, each track rings clear with optimism, sophistication and originality. Plus, dare I say ... soul? “I named it Soul Connection because that is always my goal in making music, to create a sonic message of love that can hopefully touch the soul.”

From the leadoff title track,  “Out of the Blue” to “Barcelona” to “See You Again”, each fresh composition pulsates with smooth and groove, following in the footsteps of the many giants who began it all. "Fusing jazz and R&B is just what contemporary jazz is all about.”

With the bluesy sax on “Midnight Mood”, tribal rhythms guiding “Through The Tears” and twinkling piano on “Going Home”, Brian has found his home. "I feel that I have refined the ‘Brian Simpson sound’ on this project. I can only hope that my fans take part in the joy and passion that went into its conception and production.”

That passion is joyously displayed on “Stranger in Paradise” - yes, THAT song from the delightfully old musical, "Kismet". Brian imbibes this classic with his own modern groove and the result is pure magic. And whenever musical magic is created, can a soul connection be far behind?

Mission accomplished, Mr. Simpson. Well done.


Vickie Van Dyke

Middays @ Wave98.3 FM Vancouver




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