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wave smoothest groove

ThreeStyle - No Matter What
It's always been a family affair with ThreeStyle and on this latest album, No Matter What, the family fun has become four-told! A fantastic four-some. Four-midable and four-tunate for lovers of smooth groove because the "three" have now become FOUR!

Magdalena Chovancovaborn in the Czech Republic, started on piano at 6 and later went on to master sax and flute. Her twin sister Gabriela lends her considerable talents to drums and vibraphone. And Germany's Robert Fertl, who is also Magdalena's husband, rounds out the the threesome (can you round a triangle?) on guitar, bass and trumpet. For many years now this talented trio has been a mainstay at smooth groove radio, winning awards, finding their original music on the silver screen and touring successfully all over the world. 
Robert explains, "ThreeStyle won so many awards - Hollywood Music, Global Music Awards and we hit Number 1 on Billboard, SJNT top 20 and Groove Jazz charts. We have travelled all over the world making music. We are so humbled that our big dreams came true and that, over the years, we collaborated with our musical heroes and best cats on this planet, like Jimmy Haslip, Mack (Queen, E.L.O.) and Paul Brown ... that means so much to us."
So now ... who is the fourth? Enter vocalist Damon Dae, now a frequent and most welcome collaborator with the "family." With his sultry tenor in the mix, you might melt, you might sweat and you might kick up your heels but one thing is certain - you will feel every note in your bones.
From the grooving title track right on down the line, No Matter What serves up a divinely soulful feast. Special To Me ... well okay ... turn down those lights and prepare yourself for a sexy slow jam. Robert's funky guitar highlights, "No Looking Back". Magdalena's sax is sensual personified on, "Be With You". "It's a Jam Tonight", is just that - put on those dancing shoes and groove on to Gabriela's delicious drums.
With Robert and Magdalena now making their home in Croatia, Threestyle has certainly become an international affair, chock full of all the fabulous flavours you would devour at an international buffet! Who could have four-told that, four-tified with Damon's velvety vocals, No Matter What brings the group to a new level of smooth - a four-tuitous turn of events four (yes, I did that on purpose) music fans everywhere.
Well done, ThreeStyle family ... and four-ward we go! 
Vickie van Dyke
Midday Host

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