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Ten Questions for Johnny Fraser (Coldjack)

1. How old were you when you first started playing music?

I played the Bass in my late 20's and then starting singing in 1993 and I'm still singing and writing to this day.

2. Who was/is your biggest musical inspiration?
Mark King - bass player and singer of Level42.

3. Where do you make your home?
St Andrews in New Brunswick the East Coast.

4. Do you have any pets?
I have 2 cats - Lambe & Jack.

5. What is the best concert/gig you have ever done?
Gayety Theatre in Collingwood, Ontario

6. What is the best concert you have ever attended?
Level42 at Wembley Arena - 12,500 people

7. Do you have an all-time favourite song?
Holding Back the Years by Simply Red

8. What musician would you still most like to work with?
Mark King of Level42.

9. If you weren't a musician what would you be?
Hospitality like I do now, running my own Coldjack Cafe British store in St Andrews.

10. What is your favourite thing about Vancouver?
The scenery is beautiful and hopefully playing some shows there in the near future.



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