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Ten Questions for Alfie Zappacosta

(coming to The Redwood Theatre in Toronto September )

1. How old were you when you first started playing guitar?
10, I started taking lessons.

2. Who was/is your biggest musical inspiration?
My Dad! He sang all the time! Couldn’t get away from hearing music all the time in his Barbershop!

3. Where do you make your home?
I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

4. Do you have any pets?
I Had a Jack Russel Terrier for 17 years! He passed last year. Miss him like CRAZY!

5. What is the best concert/gig you have ever done?
I had a great time recording Alfie Zappacosta Live at Festival Place. The dates were recorded Live! I have the CD’S.

6. What is the best concert you have ever attended?
Kim Mitchell had a tremendous show many moons ago at Massey Hall. Lots of fun!

7. Do you have an all-time favourite song?
Can’t say I do.

8. What musician would you still most like to work with?

9. If you weren't a musician what would you be?
A Hair Stylist. My father was a barber. I spent many, many years going to work with my dad.

10. What is your favourite thing about Vancouver?
The Scenery, once you're out of the city!


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