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10 Questions for Tony Grace from Four80East!

1. How old were you when you first started making music?
My first instrument I started on was guitar. One of my brothers ( I have 3) had a guitar and he would let me watch him play and occasionally teach me a couple of chords, mostly I watched him then would try it on my own. Drums came a few years later when I was 13.

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Ten Questions for Rob DeBoer from Four80East

1. How old were you when you first started playing piano?
My parents started me in lessons at age 4. At that point we didn’t even have a piano - I started leaning on a fold-out paper keyboard!

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Getting to Know Our Stars! 10 Questions for KARMA SOUNDS aka Karina Morin

1. How old were you when you first started singing?
I was actually just a baby… my parents have old tapes of me singing along to the music they used to play in the house . All classic soul, jazz funk and ‘yacht rock’ . I also performed and sang in lots shows in elementary and high school

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Getting To Know Our Stars - Ten Questions for REBECCA JADE(performing this month at Berks Jazz Fest!)

1. How old were you when you first started singing?
My mom has a picture of me at 5 years old singing a solo

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