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Ten Questions for KIM SCOTT

1. How old were you when you first started playing flute?
I began playing flute in the 5th grade at the age of 10 years old. Prior to that, I started on piano and quickly advanced on the instrument before learning violin. When I picked up the flute, however, I was totally captivated by the shiny, petite instrument! I was intrigued so much that I only wanted to focus on learning it so I put the other instruments on the back burner for a while. My mother is a classically trained pianist and a retired music educator and my father played saxophone. They even had a pretty famous band back in the 70s called The Dynamic Soul Machine, which was signed to the famous Stax Records. So, music has always been important to me and my family, and it was constantly present in my home when I was growing up.

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10 Questions for Mindi Abair

1. How old were you when you first started playing music?
I started piano at 5 old and saxophone at 8 years old in the school band!

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Ten Questions for Alfie Zappacosta

(coming to The Redwood Theatre in Toronto September )

1. How old were you when you first started playing guitar?
10, I started taking lessons.

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Ten Questions for Johnny Fraser (Coldjack)

1. How old were you when you first started playing music?

I played the Bass in my late 20's and then starting singing in 1993 and I'm still singing and writing to this day.

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Ten Questions for Stan Fomin (Cates-Fomin Project)

1. How old were you when you first started playing keys?
I was 5 when I started playing accordion and then ... on to piano!

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